Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Rising early in the morning

Hello friends,

I have delivered my second speech in Toastmasters club Islamabad on a topic "Rising early in the morning" and want to share some of the excerpts.

A study has been conducted among successful CEOs of multinational companies and a common trait has been found among them.. 90% of them rise early in the morning. for instance CEO of Coca Cola and CEO of Apple Co rise at 4:30 am every day, CEO of General Electric & Co founder of Twitter used to wake up at 5:30 am everyday.

In a report published by Texas University USA, Students having habit of waking up early in the morning showed average grading 3.5 compared to 2.5 of those who go to bed late.

As a Muslim we now that Islam greatly emphasized on waking up early in the morning at least 1/2 hour before sun rise for performing Fajr prayer. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said one who rise early and say Fajr prayer will hold a flag of success all day long.

There are number of benefits including fresh oxygen, creative mind set, productivity, morning walk and exercise, Yoga or meditation, praying, having fun with family members and children before they go to school, take a healthy breakfast and can go to work with a flag of success and a productive mind set.

When we rise early, we are able to welcome the earliest shine of sun with full of positive energy and we are able to look into the eyes of sun and say.....

O Sun Look! I rise before You rise and Look! I shine before You Shine..

If we keep rising early in the morning before rise of sun, one day will come when we will be able to stand confidently facing Sun and say...

O Sun Look! Now I am more Shining than you.


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